
About the service

BirdsBuild helps businesses find customers and suppliers. Like a marketplace, only with the usual B2B trading methods.

Quantum jump for your business

Получайте предложения товаров и услуг по вашим интересам на почту. Заключайте сделки на выгодных для вас условиях без посредников. Проводите сделки купли и продажи без бумажной волокиты и долгих согласований. Выведите ваш бизнес на новый уровень вместе с BirdsBuild

Marketplace for business

B2B marketplace where you can buy and sell anything from nails to cranes.

Crawler excavator Volvo EC

11 000 000 ₽

Oat-pea grain mix (20 tons)

260 000 ₽

Dry planed board 40x140x3000 (1000 pcs.)

100 000 ₽

Profile pipe 40x40x2 mm square 3 m (500 pcs.)

370 000 ₽


Промышленное оборудование

Питание и общепит

Лёгкая промышленность

Одежда, обувь и аксессуары

Транспортные системы

Топливная энергетика


Лес, древесина, целлюлоза

Медицина и микробиология

Электроника и телекоммуникации

Коммунальное обеспечение

For everyone who buys and sells

BirdsBuild helps to carry out the digital-transformation of trading processes: from the creation of showcases to communication with customers, support of deals and document management.

Grain, fertilizer, PPPs, seedsMedical equipment Procurement (supply, logistics)For suppliers and customersFor implementation of auctions Clothes and footwear
Grain, fertilizer, PPPs, seedsMedical equipment Procurement (supply, logistics)For suppliers and customersFor implementation of auctions Clothes and footwear
Building materials and industrial constructionFor manufacturersRealization of warehouse balancesMetal rolling, pipes, valvesSale of business Commercial real estate
Building materials and industrial constructionFor manufacturersRealization of warehouse balancesMetal rolling, pipes, valvesSale of business Commercial real estate
Commercial real estateMachine toolsFor suppliers and customersGrain, fertilizer, PPPs, seedsMedical equipment Catering equipment
Commercial real estateMachine toolsFor suppliers and customersGrain, fertilizer, PPPs, seedsMedical equipment Catering equipment
ValvesSale of business Commercial real estateBuilding materials and industrial constructionFor manufacturers
ValvesSale of business Commercial real estateBuilding materials and industrial constructionFor manufacturers

Better than online-store

It is not necessary to invest heavily in your own online stores and websites for suppliers, or engage in their spin-up and promotion. Use the ready-made BirdsBuild b2b marketplace.


Online stores


Websites for suppliers


Created for B2B

BirdsBuild supports transactions with suppliers and customers. Warehouse and Transactions are two sections that help you sell and buy goods and services in any quantity, in almost all the usual ways.


Your offerings




We will find what you need

Choose the goods and services you are interested in - the offers from counterparties will be compiled in the learning newsfeed by themselves.

We take into account all of your interests

Customize your interests and the system itself will choose the best offers. All you have to do is to negotiate a deal and make the payment.


Можно запросить обратный звонок, чтобы уточнить детали интересов. Наша команда всё учтёт и найдёт подходящих контрагентов.


Транспортное машиностроение

Лёгкая промышленность

Медицина и микробиология

Топливная энергетика

Промышленное оборудование

Типография и печать

Коммунальное обеспечение

Химия и нефтехимия

We'll gather the best offers and mail it to you

Если предложений не будет, мы начнём работу по привлечению нужных поставщиков и заказчиков.

Map search

Locate and make the deals on the map. Scale to the desired city, region or country to find the best options based on the price and distance.

Два способа ведения сделок

Оплачивайте сделки на площадке или напрямую контрагенту.

Payment on site

BirdsBuild резервирует деньги до подписания актов приёма-передачи товара покупателем и продавцом

Payment directly

Создайте счёт и другие документы для проведения сделки напрямую с продавцом в один клик

Secure transactions with an acquiring bankClassic direct format of payment

Safe Deals


The partner bank verifies the solvency of the participants of each deal and reserves the funds before signing the acts.



partner bank



Номинальный счёт


Оплата товаров и услуг

Хранение денежных средств

Выполнение условий договора

Two-factor authentication

After the payment, the deal and its participants are checked by the partner bank, after the verification, the paid funds are reserved. The second factor of verification process is the acceptance certificate signed by the participants of the deal.

Сделка #D2102000001

150 000 ₽

Количество 3 piece
Статус Загрузите акты, подписанные покупателем.

Acts with a protected QR code

Safe deals are accompanied by the acts with a unique code - they can only be generated by the buyer. In return, only the seller who receives the acts at the time of transfer and acceptance will be able to carry out the verification.

Payment methods for safe deal

Предоплата 63% по сделке #D2102000008 от 30.01.21

Разовое предложение

Кран шаровой DN 250 с монтажным фланцем под установку эл. привода (112 шт)


246 850 ₽предоплата 63%

Prepayment option


Оплата по счёту или инвойсу

The most common payment method for business. BirdsBuild will automatically create an invoice, both when paying directly to the counterparty and when paying on the website.

Payment from balance

All incoming payments for safe deals on the website are transferred to your balance. You can use it to pay for the other transactions and withdraw money.

Acquiring and mobile payments

Safe deals of small form can be paid with bank cards and through mobile payment services depending on the buyer’s region.

Chats and Contacts

Discuss the deals, answer the questions and agree on documents right on the platform in online mode.

Full-fledged messenger

Exchange messages, discuss conditions and cost, attach documents, geotags, offers, deals, photos and videos.

All dialogues are being saved

Messages cannot be deleted or modified. If the company added employees, then you can always distinguish which of them conducted the dialogue.

Мои контакты

  • по алфавиту
  • по дате добавления


ООО «Авангард»
ООО «Астра»
ИП Абрамович И.И.
ООО «Автострой-99»

All organizations that you interact with on the platform are being saved in your contact list. You can get in touch with them at any moment.

Directory of contacts

2 МБ
Прямая продажа
Кран шаровой DN 250 с монтажным фланцем под установку эл. привода
7 МБ
17.02.20 в 09:05

Documents and integrations

Create primary documents in seconds and simplify analytics by integrating with bookkeeping, warehouse and CRM. An optimization in 15 minutes per each deal can spare your team months of work during a year.

Fast workflow

Create standard documents in one click. No need to fill out the forms and wait for an answer from the counterparty. Simply select the document you want and it will create itself.


Electronic document exchange

Confirm your account to sign documents with the code from SMS notifications and configure integration with EDI to work with qualified electronic signatures.


Integrations with warehouse and CRM

Connect and sync information with any service via open API and ready-made modules. Synchronize your stock balances, get new inquiries and collect statistics.



Choose convenient way to deliver and BirdsBuild will select the tariffs and make delivery at a bargain price. For non-standard cargo we will help you to find contractors with individual conditions on domestic exchange of freight and special equipment.


Еще 3 тарифов

Order from shipping companies

Marketplace works with Parcel delivery service, members have quick access to ordering and tracking of delivery through such companies as CDEK, DPD, KCE, Pony Express, Boxbery, Russian Post and other delivery services.

Freight exchange

Not everything is convenient to deliver by universal delivery services, a crane or manipulator is often required. To cover non-standard needs, we are developing an internal rental service of special equipment and freight transport.

Available on any platform

BirdsBuild website is available in any browser and on any device. Thanks to a clear and convenient interface, using our service is as easy as using a toaster or iPhone. Couple clicks and the result is already on the screen!

60+ trading scenarios

There are only two main scenarios: direct sales and auctions. At the same time, you can connect more than sixty additional settings to find a convenient format for your trading business.

One-time offers

Regular offers

Package offers


Auctions with bid increments

Auctions without bid increments

Auction with max. price

Closed auctions

piece by piece

at the request of

With minimum price

by volume

With prepayment

Multiple counterparties

Own showcase

Each member’s page is a ready-made showcase with trade offers, contacts and company rating.

Complement or replace the online store

The member’s page is a full-fledged online store, which can become the main showcase of the company.

Electronic catalog of goods and services

Share links to individual offers and product categories with the ability to place an order.

Search and filters

Text search and ready-made filters will help clients quickly find what they need in the company’s catalog and make a deal.



Expand the features of your page through additional modules with reviews, certificates and other useful information.



Successful transactions479
Date of registrationJanuary 23, 2022

О производителе

Одно из крупнейших многопрофильных строительных предприятий, объединившее полувековой профессиональный опыт, развивающееся в различных областях.

Founded in 2014

Московская область, г. Москва


All offers

Rich Content


Add an infographic to the photo preview that will highlight the features of the offer

Остановочные павильоны серии DMA-19

The square format

The photo preview is organized so that additional information can be placed on it if desired.

The square simplifies the placement on different platforms, as it is used by marketplaces such as Alibaba, Amazon, Ebay, Ozon, etc.

Not only a square

Rectangular photos will look great too on the page.

Полнотелый кирпич М150

Shipping condition


Video up to 30 seconds

Upload short videos to the pages of products or services, and reveal their benefits from all sides

For manufacturers

Special conditions

Manufacturers are identified by labels that distinguish their trade offers from those engaged in resale.

More contacts

On the manufacturer's page, you can add links of the trading websites and additional phone numbers for buyers

One-time offer, piece by piece
По запросу
Мин. стоимость 50 000 ₽
One-time offer, piece by piece, by volume
0 ₽
Стоимость за piece 15 000 ₽
Доступно 1 piece
Price table by order quantity
up to 100 piece 15 000 ₽
up to 300 piece 14 000 ₽
up to 500 piece 12 500 ₽
больше 501 piece по запросу
Sales via cost request and automatic calculation based on the scope of the order

Such formats are well suited for manufacturers. Customers themselves form precise inquiries, facilitating the work of the sales department.



Increase your business efficiency with the help of additional modules by creating convenient combinations of functions for your tasks.

The need for automation depends on the business objectives and differs from one area to another. The plug-ins store will allow members to create their own unique trade representation with the necessary functions.

Forecasting demand of equipmentProcurement (supply, logistics)Email, SMS, messengersBookkeepingAutomationAnalytics
Forecasting demand of equipmentProcurement (supply, logistics)Email, SMS, messengersBookkeepingAutomationAnalytics
Sorting, organizing and grouping contactsExport into other systems ReclamationsWMS and CRMFinTechRecommender systemsAssistantsSorting, organizing and grouping contacts
Sorting, organizing and grouping contactsExport into other systems ReclamationsWMS and CRMFinTechRecommender systemsAssistantsSorting, organizing and grouping contacts
Expert consultations, search of agentsDocumentation generatorsStaff management Personalization and themingAboutUs.text.block-6.5AboutUs.text.block-6.6
Expert consultations, search of agentsDocumentation generatorsStaff management Personalization and themingAboutUs.text.block-6.5AboutUs.text.block-6.6
Status expansionRich ContentExtensions of the member's pageAdvertising, targeting, SEOPromo codes and bonus systemsWorking with employees
Status expansionRich ContentExtensions of the member's pageAdvertising, targeting, SEOPromo codes and bonus systemsWorking with employees

Even more opportunities

BirdsBuild Marketplace helps you to easily set up convenient work format, expand and optimize the capabilities of your business.

Contacts settings

Open your contact information if you want to be reached out before placing the order



Successful transactions


Member rating

Determine the level of reliability of counterparties by their ratings and successful trades


Connect all of your businesses and quickly switch between them without re-authorization


Андрей Афанасьев

Менеджер отдела продаж










7 (912) 387-72-41

Employee access

Provide employees with separate access to warehousing, dealings and customers

Сейчас Ваша максимальная ставка автоброкера 110000 ₽

Autobroker automatically raises bids as your current bid is outbid until the current bid equals your maximum bid.


The robot bids in auctions on its own



Real-time details

Аудиторская проверка пройдена


Константин Константинович Константинопольский

Объем работ

Дата проверки

Стоимость проверки


Комментарий специалиста


Order an audit and get a warranty seal on the trade offer depending on the region


We simplify and accelerate

We reduce the time spent searching for business offers, help with purchasing and sales, and create simple and convenient ways of conducting the deals

— various pricing options for the trade offers

— business scenarios that help to save time when interacting with counterparties

— automatization of the document flow

2025, Q4

— integration with transport companies, complex solutions of logistics problems

— organization of constant search and analysis of the groups of goods, works and services of interest to you

2026, Q2

— simplicity of procurement without binding to the procedures of Federal Laws 223 and 44

— analysis and revision of stock balances: relevant offers for potential buyers, sale by piece or by single package

— creation of your own unique trade representation using business modules